
Experience, knowledge and commitment

Crandon has a consolidated team recognized for its impeccable track record, whose experience and knowledge allow it to carry out the comprehensive management of all phases of Direct Lending transactions, which consist of origination, analysis, design, structuring, management and resolution.

All the members of the Crandon team combine methodology and commitment with empathy and flexibility to respond to the diverse needs of our clients, granting them extensive experience in the sector and excellent problem-solving capacity


At Crandon excellence is our minimum standard

Crandon's organizational culture is based on solid, ethical and professional principles that define our corporate identity and are fundamental to the development of our activities, providing a guarantee of trust and confidentiality for all parties involved.

  • Integrity

    Morality and ethics are our indisputable values. We understand that integrity is the key to success.

  • Transparency

    Our philosophy is transparency. We work in an environment of trust with free access to information.

  • Commitment

    We commit to our company and our clients through actions, not just promises.

  • Excellence

    We create excellence through good practices.

  • Teamwork

    At Crandon we believe that true teams are formed when individual desires are set aside for the collective good.

  • Resilience

    Being resilient allows us to face adversity, overcome it and be transformed positively as a result.